The launch kicks off on Sat 15th Oct 10:00am at the Harmonie German Club where JOE RIDER (and the many Joe minions) will be sent on their way.
Mid week there is a Riders Forum: How Good is your Protective Clothing?
On Wed 19th Oct 6:30 @ 8:30pm at the Spanish Australian Club , 5 Narupai Place, Narrabundah. We are invited to come along and hear the researchers who were on the ABC’s Catalyst Program about motorcycle
clothing: http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4433001.htm
Guest speakers will be Dr Liz de Rome, Principal Consultant and Managing Director of LdeR
Consulting and Dr Chris Hurren, Research Fellow (Fibre Science And Technology) at Deakin
University. There will be a cost of $15 per person on the door, with finger food provided.
Then on Friday 21st Oct 7:00 – 9:00am,the BIKERS’ BREAKFAST will be held at West Lawns, King
Edward Terrace.
Jen Woods from the MRA ACT has also sent out a call for volunteers for riders to be “Joe Rider”. Joe Rider is an awareness program where everyone is encouraged to spot Joe as he/she rides around Canberra and the ACT region.
Reporting a “spot” will put you in the running to win a hot air
balloon flight! Joe spotters should email their sighting to:
Those of us familiar with the SMIDSY ( Sorry Mate I didn’t see you) excuse offered to motorcycle crash victims would well understand how a little encouragement for drivers to “see” Joe will help train those drivers to see motorcyclists. Its certainly a program that captures the support and enthusiasm of riders in general - tell your friends and family - help get
everyone spotting “Joe Rider”.
Motorcycle Awareness week is a great opportunity for all local riders to take part to spread the word for motorcycle awareness , and to further share this with friends, workmates family , and most importantly, through the Joe Rider
campaign reach the general public. So get involved, work that social media and boost our presence in the minds of our fellow road users - its a good and fun opportunity for the safety of all of us!