Thursday, March 8, 2018

2018 Branch AGM - Message from Pres Ian

G’day all,

You probably read about it in RO2, but I’m writing to remind you that the Ulysses Club Canberra Branch AGM will be held after the usual social meeting on Tuesday 17th April.

The main job of the AGM is to elect a branch committee for 2018-19 – a president, secretary, treasurer and three to five general committee members (six to eight people in total). Nominations for these positions must be with branch secretary Kim Tito by Tuesday 20th March (the date of the March meeting).

And this is where you come in! I will be standing down as president and Peter Thomas and David Formica are resigning from the committee, so at this stage we will be needing a new president, a treasurer and one or two general committee members. We have someone interested in the treasurer's job but all positions will be open and if you think you could do a great job as president, secretary or treasurer or general committee member, you’re welcome to nominate.

Please give some thought especially to nominating for president. It’s not that onerous, apart from running the monthly social meetings and half a dozen committee meetings during the year, and it is indeed a lot of fun. I was president before Mick Winters and I took it on last year as a stop-gap measure. But now some new blood would be good. You don’t have to be really experienced or own a lot of bikes or have been a member for decades or have a charismatic personality or even be totally sane (I fail all of those criteria and I’ve done it twice!) but it’s a great way to give back to the club and ensure the Canberra branch keeps going.
A nomination form is attached. You and two other financial members need to fill it out and get it to Kim Tito by Tuesday 20th March.
You have several options:

  •     Bring it to the March meeting.
  •     Fill it out at the March meeting.
  •     Post it to Ulysses Canberra Branch Secretary, PO Box 387, Curtin ACT 2605.
  •     Scan it and email it to

Make sure you bring your membership card to the branch AGM because if an election is necessary for any position you’ll need to prove you’re a current financial member or you won’t be able to vote.


Ian Paterson
Ulysses Club Canberra Branch
0427 291 728