Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ride to Bermagui – 3rd November 2019

Our ride left from the Bungendore Caltex petrol station - the weather was mild but with the hope of rain to relieve the parched conditions of recent months. Before starting off, the group gathered for the ride briefing discussing the need to ride responsibly, keeping within our abilities, keeping to the road rules and to look after each other.  I had ridden the ride route to Bermagui on the previous Thursday just to check out the road conditions – all was good.  It was nice to see a new rider with us this morning – Paul had travelled from Yass to join us. He is new to the country having crossed the ditch from Island of the long white cloud - we hope to see him again on other rides in the future. 

Our small group travelled along the Kings Highway riding towards our first coffee stop at Nelligen, where we enjoyed the peace of the river while having a coffee.  We continued after the short break checking out the new bridge construction at Nelligen and Bateman’s Bay on our way down the road towards Moruya for our first petrol stops. The biggest surprise was the weather - it was a constant warm temperature as we rode along the coast. The reduced amount of traffic added to the enjoyment of a lovely stretch of road with a great selection of curves dotted along the way. We rode through beautiful sections of coastal towns and estuaries with scenic stretches of water views to admire as we passed. 

Bermagui had put on a fine display with the clear translucent colour of the water in the river reminding me of our past holidays. We pulled up in the car park and walked upstairs where Tim the proprietor of the Sundeck café greeted us showing us to our reserved table with views of the harbour.

It was only fitting, as we were in a fishing village, that the fish of the day was the unanimous decision for our meals.

It was great to sit back and enjoy the environment and join into the diverse conversations, tales tall and true, over our lunch break.  

We checked out the weather front before leaving and decided to continue out to Cobargo where some of the members stopped to put on their wet weather gear. I on the other hand decided to brave the elements and just see how protective the fairing on the Trophy actually is. We made our way up the Brown Mountain with rain falling from time to time. I must thank the Snowy Mountains Council as when I travelled between Nimmitabel and Cooma on Thursday afternoon large patches of the road were still dirt but they were sealed for our ride home today.

We stopped at Cooma for our last fuel stop and to thank each for a great day of travelling safely and enjoying each other’s company. On our last leg of our journey the heavens opened up between the outskirts of Canberra and Queanbeyan. I was impressed that I had stayed dry most of the way only getting slightly damp.

It is a shame some people did not get out of their comfy chairs to join us on our ride – they missed the excellent roads and views and impressive food but best of all the friendship of similar minded people.



  • Michael Winters            Triumph Trophy
  • Paul Woodward             FJR 1300
  • Kevin Sherman             Indian Scout
  • Dave Jones                   XT1200
  • Butch Wills                   K1100 BMW