Friday Social Dinner
Friday 28th Feb from 18:00-21:00 @
Star Buffet at the Burns Club, Kambah
You can email Kyla to confirm at or
if on Facebook >> use this link<<
Sunday Ride (to Pambula)
Also on Sunday, March 1, there is a ride to Pambula. Its an approximately 500k loop and will be leaving from the Caltex at Hume. The briefing will be at 8:50am, departure 9:00am to arrive at the Royal Willows Hotel, Pambula for lunc.
The ride leader is the illustrious Ian Paterson (0427 291 728), and the proposed route is: Out via Cooma, Bombala (coffee), Wyndham & Pambula (lunch & fuel). Back via Candelo, Bemboka, Brown Mtn & Bredbo (coffee).
Note: Updates and future rides and events can be found on the "What's On" page or the branches Facebook Events page