So, I’ve been very slack and forgot to write the ride report when it was fresh in my memory, with the predictable result that I can’t remember much about the ride.
In my defence I was volunteered to write the report, by Al, who should have known better.
I do remember that it was a lovely day and an enjoyable ride to Laggan, via Gunning and Crookwell. I believe we returned via the same way, mainly to stop for a coffee in Gunning, but also because the Laggan, Crookwell, Gunning route is such a pleasure on a motorcycle.
Hopefully someone submitted some photos to accompany my abbreviated ride report.
- Allan Munday Yamaha FJR1300
- Anthony Hanson BMW R1200RT
- George Attard Triumph Tiger 800
- Warren Richer Triumph Thurston
- Andrew Carley Harley 883 Low
- Kevin Sherman BMW R1250RS
- Andrew Campbell BMW R1250RS
- Damon Hatchett BMW R1200R
- Noel Bentley BMW F800GSA