Would anyone have a spare bed for John Stockwell on (or around) the 19th May? John is on an around Australia trip to raise money and awareness.
John Stockwwell is a motorcycle enthusiast who has been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease.
An avid motorcycle enthusiast, John first noticed the condition affecting his gear-changing foot and he has realised he had no time to lose. John has embarked on, potentially, his last great ride: to raise money,
awareness and the spirits of those who share his plight.
To donate to John’s fundraising, please visit:
or call Parkinson’s SA on 08 8357 8909.
And, if you have a bed to spare en route, or you’d like to join John on the road for a leg of his ride, please
call him on 0419 916 996.
Any in-person support makes the long journey, all that more enjoyable.
A flyer with more details can be found >>here<<