Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ride to Crookwell (or How I learnt to love the Wind) 3rd September 2017

Waking up to grey sky I considered a ride to Crookwell -  Home of the world famous potato festival or staying in bed.  After much procrastination I layered up, watched water fall from the sky & plotted a route north that missed all the rain clouds, arriving in time to hear the rider’s briefing. Well I would have except I still had my earplugs in.

So our small band or riders -  6 hardy souls - ventured north, picking up one near the bandit territory of Murrumbateman. Then a fascinating journey to Boorowa by which time the sun was out and it was quite warm. However the digital ordering system at the cafe was not working and the temporary analogue system (pen and paper) was not up to the task but eventually order was restored.

At this point Glorious Leader asked if Chas or I would write the ride report. We took pity upon GL as while the RO2 editor asks us once a month at the regular meeting where was the report, GL would probably experience a more daily interrogation.

Anyway I volunteered with the proviso that I did not have to use any facts. So we gathered again and headed into the long and winding road complete with 40+ kph winds, so dodging branches and movement of the bike across the road. The Rugby road is in reasonable condition and was an enjoyable ride and fortunately most of the wind was from behind.

Arriving in Crookwell we once again regrouped.  As the others entered the bistro, I decided to continue on and dodge the gathering dark clouds.

1230. End of time with group.

I did carry on to Goulburn and refueled at about 15 cents cheaper than ACT, and just dodged a rain cloud as I left. Overall except for the wind and threatening rain a nice ride. Was told that they also missed any rain, so luck all round.


  • Alan Munday          FJR1300
  • Les Robinson         Triumph Trophy
  • Neil McRitchie        GTR1400
  • Trevor McLeod        FJR1300
  • Garry Cashmere     BMW K1300
  • Mike Kelly              BMW R1200 RT
  • Chas Towie            Honda ST1300