Saturday, September 18, 2021

The September RO2 is now available.

 There may be a stay at home requirement 

but the September RO2 is just a click away!

Click  >> here<<  

or the image below for the September magazine!

Sunday, September 5, 2021


A word from The Editor…  

Hi Riding On Too readers

So here we are in lockdown again! With no (or little) riding happening – certainly nothing social anyway. So this is a good time to think about the RO2 newsletter, and to seek your ideas for content – what would you like to see as a regular item? Send your idea/articles to

Ken McLean has already sent in a “Motorcycle memories” article for September, which is a terrific look back at his riding journey to now (we won’t say too much more – you can read it in the September edition). Ken's contribution prompted our Editor, Jen to start a “profile” article which she is asking you to volunteer to write!  So, keep busy during lockdown and put yours fingers to the keyboard and send your article to Jen today? Please don't forget to send pics as well. 

Finally, who hasn’t felt like this lately? …… says Jen's neighbor:

“Getting carried away by the Olympics, yesterday I clocked a personal best by pinging a QR code from 1.7 metres.’’ 

Keep Smiling!😁