Tuesday, September 24, 2019

National Annual General Meeting 2020 - Call for Nominations

Over on the National Site there's a call for nominations  for positions on the National Committee for 2020. 

If you have the time, energy, dedication and skills to offer, then "please consider". 

Nominations must be received by the National Secretary by November 30, 2019. and can be requested from the National Secretary or the National Administration Office.

Completed nominations should be addressed to Henry Rokx the National Secretary and sent by email to secretary@ulysses.org.au or by post to:
Ulysses Club Inc. Administration Office
PO Box 3242

Please note that all nominations must be in writing and need to be signed by the Proposer, Seconder and Nominee, who must all be financial members of Ulysses Club Inc.

You can read this extract over on the National website ; you should log in for that complete experience :-)