Tuesday, April 21, 2020

NSW Southern Region Road Rules On-line Quiz

The following correspondence was received from the Road Safety Officer from Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council.

Given we are enduring some strong limitations on our recreational riding at the moment, this is an opportunity to revise our understanding of the NSW road rules which we have to comply with when riding there.*

"Road Safety in Southern Region are running a Road Rules On-line Quiz over next month with $50 gift voucher prizes to win each week.

The quiz acknowledges that while we are currently restricted to essential travel only and encouraged to be at home, it might be a good time to refresh knowledge on road rules.

The quiz will run until 17 May  and each week one winner from our Council area will be drawn and receive a $50 gift voucher to local supermarket or restaurant of your choice.

It takes around 5-10 minutes to complete the quiz and includes a link to the Top 10 Misunderstood Road Rules flyer and animations.

Here is the link for the quiz: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ROADRULESQUIZ5

Good luck and travel safe

Kind regards


A link to the NSW pamphlet is here:

A link to the ACT road rules is here:

* The majority of our recreational riding is outside the ACT, and hopefully we will resume that, as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic threat has passed and the related restrictions are lifted.