Hello everyone,
Our next Social Meeting (my first in this seat) is set for Tuesday 19th at the Canberra Deakin Soccer Club – 3 Grose Street Deakin.
Come early! We will be there for 6pm for dinner and a drink before the meeting starts at 7:30pm.
I have received a special request for donations that may be of interest to some of you:
The events team at the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council are on the hunt for free “old, unused, even broken motorcycle stuff”. The Council is collaborating with the Queanbeyan Men’s Shed and Veteran’s motorcycle club to make a stationary Santa chair to be used at the Christmas in July event. The Men’s Shed require old motorbike parts to add to the chair. They are also hunting for old leathers, boots and open face helmets that the kids can dress up in for photos on Santa’s knee.
So people, this is your chance to have a quick look around at those old bits and pieces you’ve been keeping in the “just in case” pile! Please bring your items to the meeting on Tuesday night or contact Kyla Harvey on Tel: 62856552 to arrange a pick-up.
The Committee and I are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Maritta Heiler | President, Canberra Branch #44790