Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Call for membership: MRAACT 2020

The following communication has been received from Chris, Secretary for the MRAACT;  for your consideration and action if you would like to support the MRAACT and the good work that has benefited us in the past.

The Motorcycle Riders Association of the ACT exists to support motorcyclists and motorcycle riding in the ACT and nearby regions. Over the past few years we have successfully campaigned for mature returning riders having access to subsidised training and upskilling, lane filtering legalisation, have run an annually occurring motorcycle awareness and safety week, featuring Joe Rider and numerous other initiatives. In addition to this representation and championing motorcycling we also continue to run important charity events such as the Winter Blanket Run which collects goods and raises money to support the homeless as well as the Christmas Toy Run which raises money and collects goods for vulnerable children and families.

This year is the 40th anniversary of the MRA ACT and usually this would be cause for celebration however with the impacts of COVID-19 and other resourcing matters the organisation needs your help in order to continue its valuable work to ACT motorcyclist and charity recipients. 

For several years now the association has run on a skeleton crew. With some of the current committee soon to be stepping down and no longer standing for certain required positions we are under resourced and will struggle to champion ongoing initiatives to improve and/or protect motorcycle riding in the ACT.
This is where you come in, we need your skills. We need people who can help run the association’s administration (i.e. secretary, treasurer, et cetera,) and also people with a passion in social media and outreach, with project management skills, IT skills (Office 365 and WordPress,) and numerous other executive and/or general committee positional skills.

The more people we have putting in even just a little bit the more we can take our association forward and be the voice we once were.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 29th of September and will be held via video conference. If you are interested in supporting the MRA ACT we’d love to hear from you prior to this meeting so that your interest can be registered and we have the chance to find out what sort of role you may be interested in.

If assisting the MRA ACT sounds like something you can do, please email Chris at